
**We ask that if you use these stimuli you cite the following paper, which is the first official journal publication of experimental results using these stimuli:**

Rosa, E. C., & Arnold, J. E. (2017). Predictability affects production: Thematic roles can affect reference form selection. Journal of Memory and Language, 94, 43-60. DOI: 10.1016/j.jml.2016.07.007 [RosaArnoldFINAL]- final accepted manuscript


Other publications, talks, and posters reporting work from this project:


Weatherford, K., & Arnold, J. E. (2021). Semantic predictability of implicit causality can affect referential form choice. Cognition, 214, 104759. DOI:

Medina-Fetterman, A., Vazquez, N., & Arnold, J. E. (in press). The Effects of Semantic Role Predictability on the Production of Overt Pronouns in Spanish. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research.

Zerkle, S. & Arnold, J. E. (2019). Does planning explain why predictability affects reference production? Dialogue and Discourse, 10(2), 34-55.

Arnold, J. E., & Zerkle, S. A. (2019). Why do people produce pronouns? Pragmatic selection vs Rational models. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience.

Arnold, J. E. (2017). Latency analysis for Rosa & Arnold (2017). UNC Language Processing Lab, Technical Report #1.Arnold_TechReport1_2017

Rosa, E.C. (2015). Semantic Role Predictability Affects Reference Form. Dissertation. ECR_dissertation

Zerkle, S., & Arnold, J. E. (2016). Discourse attention during utterance planning affects referential form choice. Linguistics Vanguard, 2.

Zerkle, S., Rosa, E. C., & Arnold, J. E. (2017). Thematic role predictability and planning affect word duration. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory phonology 8(1): 17, 1-28,


Langlois, V., Zerkle, S. & Arnold, J. E. Does planning explain predictability effects on word duration? Paper presented at Experimental and Theoretical Approaches to Prosody. UMass, Ameherst. (October 2018).

Langlois, V., Zerkle, S. & Arnold, J. E. Does planning explain predictability effects on word duration? Poster presented at the CUNY conference on human sentence processing, UC Davis. (March 2018).

Arnold, J. E., Weatherford, K., Zerkle, S., & Rosa, E. (September, 2017). Does predictability affect reference form? Only for highly predictable thematic roles. Poster presented at Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing, Lancaster University, UK.

Zerkle, S. A. & Arnold, J. (July, 2017). Thematic role predictability affects the time course of utterance planning. Paper presented at the conference on Discourse Expectations: Theoretical, Experimental and Computational perspectives, Max Planck, The Netherlands.

Zerkle, S. A. & Arnold, J. E. (March, 2017). Thematic role predictability affects the time course of utterance planning. Poster to be presented at the CUNY conference on human sentence processing. Boston, Massachusetts.

Arnold, J. E., Zerkle, S., Weatherford, K., & Rosa, E. (March, 2017) Predictability affects pronoun production only for some verb types Poster to be presented at the CUNY conference on human sentence processing. Boston, Massachusetts.Poster;

Arnold, J. E., Medina-Fetterman, A., & Vasquez, N. (March, 2016). Semantic predictability affects the production of null pronouns in Spanish. Poster to be presented at the CUNY conference on human sentence processing. Gainesville, Florida.

Zerkle, S. A., & Arnold, J. E. (March, 2016). Discourse attention during utterance planning affects referential form choice. Poster presented at the CUNY conference on human sentence processing. Gainesville, Florida.

Weatherford, K., Reeder, E., & Arnold, J. E. (March, 2016). Thematic Role Affects Referential Form in a Novel Story-telling Paradigm. Poster presented at the Pre-CUNY Event Structure Workshop. Gainesville, Florida.

Zerkle, S. A., & Arnold, J. E. (February, 2016) Discourse Attention During Utterance Planning Affects Referential Form Choice. Poster presented at the North Carolina Cognition Conference. Wake Forest University, NC.

Weatherford, K., Reeder, E., & Arnold, J. E. Thematic Role and Referential Form in a Novel Story-telling Paradigm. Poster presented at the North Carolina Cognition Conference. Wake Forest University, NC.

Arnold, J. E. & Rosa, E. (May 2015). Mechanisms of prosodic variation: Selectional vs. fluency accounts. Talk presented at the Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Rosa, E.C., Arnold, J.E. (2015). Semantic Role Predictability Affects Reference Form. Presented as a poster at the CUNY 2015 Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Zerkle, S.A., Rosa, E.C., Arnold, J.E. (2015). Do addressee gestures influence the effects of predictability on spoken reference form? Presented as a poster at the CUNY 2015 Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Zerkle, S.A., Rosa, E.C., Arnold, J.E. (May 2015).  Thematic-role predictability and planning affect word duration Talk to be presented at the Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Other publications that utilize these stimuli will also be listed here.


Pellicer-Sánchez, A., Tragant, E., Conklin, K., Rodgers, M., Llanes, A., & Serrano, R. (2018). L2 reading and reading-while-listening in multimodal learning conditions: An eye-tracking study. ELT Research Papers, 18(01), 1-28. London: British Council. Available at:

Pellicer-Sánchez, A. & Conklin, K. (in press). Eye-tracking as a data collection method. In H. Rose and J. McKinley (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. New York: Routledge.